Welcome to the Scarlett Robotics FTC Wiki. We are a High School FIRST Tech Challenge Team based out of Calgary, Alberta. Our team numbers are 20718 and 22531.
The wiki is seperated into sections coresponding to different aspects of our FTC team. These sections corespond to our "sub-teams".
Work In Progress
This Wiki is still a work in progress. There may be issues with the current content, or may be missing important details. Please contact the team on Slack for suggestions/requests.
Build team assumes the role of the constructors of the team. They build the robots frame and various subsystems. They are also responsible for wiring the robot. Often seen in their natural habitat surrounded by tools and metal. They communicate through a series of grunts and metal screeching sounds.
The Code sub-team are entrusted with making the robot have a brain. Often communicating through beeps and robotic screeching. Do not enter their workspace without energy drinks and sugar.
Design is our sub-team responsible for 3d modelling our parts, running the 3d printers and running simulations of the robot. They are a subgenus of the Code genus.
I drive.
Public Relations
The PR team is in charge of creating and maintaining connections within our school and local communities, as well as contacting sponsors and running fundraisers. Insert funny sentence here.